Foals for sale!
Welcome to our Foal for Sale group. Become a member and post your foal for sale here.
Note: This group is for selling your foal only! Any other advertisements for products, events or general discussions will be removed.
Please make sure when you post your foal you add the following details:
Contact details

Group Rules
Foalforsale.com cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the advertisements. Foalforsale.com is never a party to an agreement concluded between buyer and seller by using our site and platform.
Respect each other
Everyone has their own opinion, so feel free to respectfully disagree. Always be friendly and polite.
Respect each other's privacy
This group is based on trust. Some discussions can be sensitive or contain sensitive information, so what is said in the group stays in the group.
Copyright Infringement
When you share other people's posts, images and other content, please do not infringe their copyrights or claim other people's material as your own.
No form of intimidation
Bullying or targeting any member of this group is not allowed and will not be tolerated.
No spam
Spamming other members is not allowed. Anyone doing this will be immediately removed.
- Paying members
Only paying members can view group content.
Shown to site visitors.
February 21, 2022
Created by